Welcome Back!

Hope everyone had a great summer! Classes will be starting back up this week and hope to see you all there. For the Adults first class back will be on Tuesday the 6th, while for the Juniors first class will be on Friday the 9th.

With the change to the PSP fees we’ll also be moving to folks paying for multiple months at a time at the kiosk, to try and keep those down to a minimum.

Hope to see everyone back on the mats!

Summer Break

The Buseikan dojo will be on it’s annual summer break for the month of August.
Enjoy your summers, and be ready to get back on the mats come the fall!

Adult classes will resume the normal schedule on Tuesday, September 6th, while the Junior classes will resume on Friday the 9th.

Hope to see everyone then!

Victoria Day Weekend

Good Afternoon everyone!

For any who may have missed the announcements at class so far, class will be happening as per normal on Friday May 20th, but there will be no class on Sunday, May 22nd.

Hope to see as many as we can tonight, and otherwise we hope everyone has a great long weekend!

No Class Tuesday

Reminder for the adults that there will be no class on Tuesday May 10th, as the military is using the room for training.

Classes resume as per normal on Friday

Training Opportunity

Hi Everyone,

We’ve been informed that Robert Mustard Shihan will be running a class Wednesday April 27th from 8pm to 9:30pm at the Sendokan Dojo (1200 Aimco Blvd, Mississauga, ON)

All are welcome and the cost will be $20 at the door, so great opportunity to get some extra training with an 8th Dan

Classes Resume!

Good Afternoon Folks!

Looks like the current round of restrictions are at an end, and we’ve received the go-ahead to resume training this Friday, February 4th.

Class times remain unchanged:

Junior’s Class: 1815-1915 (6:15pm – 7pm)
Adult Class: 1915-2100 (7:15pm – 9pm)

Hope to see you all there!