Summer Hours

Good afternoon everyone, with Summer upon us, we’re debating a temporary change in hours.
Proposed changes are:

Friday we’d move the start time up to 6:30 and run a combined Junior and Adult classes until 8:30

Sunday would start at 9am and also be a combined Junior and Adult Class until 11am

Juniors are welcome to stay longer if they’d like to get some extra training time in, or can leave after the first hour.

The adult only Tuesday class would be unchanged.

Let us know at class how this would work for everyone.

No Classes Sunday

Good afternoon everyone.
There will be no classes this Sunday May 21st for the Victoria Day long weekend. Friday’s classes will be as per normal.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Aikido Yoshinkan Fellowship ZOOM Kagami Biraki

The Fellowship is planning a global Kagami Biraki event via Zoom on Jan 15th (Sunday).
This party will include live demonstrations, group classes, special messages from teachers, as well as hearing from fellow aikidoka all around the world.
Organize a party/gathering and participate from your dojo with others or join from the comfort of your own home!
11am-1pm EST (hosts Nic Mills and Alan Shumak in Toronto and Gadi Shorr in Israel)

Happy New Year!

Once again thanks to everyone for a great 2022 and looking forward to seeing everyone back on the mats now that the new year has started.

First adult class of the year will be tomorrow, January 3rd, while the Juniors will be back on Friday the 6th.

Holiday Party and Break

Hi everyone!

On Sunday, December 18th we’ll be having our holiday party to celebrate the accomplishments of the year behind before our winter break.

Class will be starting at 10:30am and will be a combined kids and adult class. Parents, friends and siblings are invited to stake a step on the mat, with pizza to follow!

If you haven’t already we have a signup sheet in the dojo so we know how much pizza will be needed.

Afterward we’ll be on break for the rest of the year, first class back for the Adults will be on Tuesday January 3rd, while for the kids program it will be on Friday the 6th, times as per normal.